Pupil Leadership Team


The aim of the various groups within our Pupil Leadership Team is to enable children the chance to have leadership within the school, ensuring that their voices and opinions are heard. We are a pupil led school, regularly receiving pupil voice to make improvements. Therefore, we are giving the children the opportunity to assist with those improvements along the journey.

The involvement of children in the running of our school is a belief that the more children are actively invested in a school, the greater their contribution towards it will be. This has a profound effect on learning, as invested children make good learners. Additionally, at The Pochin School, we believe that involving children in decision making and ambassadorial roles will generate an ambitious and aspirational atmosphere in which children will want to succeed and will develop key skills which be invaluable to them in later life, particularly when entering the work place.


We operate a system of ambassadors in our school for certain key areas. Ambassadors act as representatives and will have a key understanding of the role they play, they are trained and have expertise in their particular area. Our Year 6 Ambassadorial roles include:

House Captains and Vice Captains

Elected by the pupils, who take on responsibilities around the school, lead house events such as sports day, our daily exercises and weekly tally and reporting of the House Cup Winners.


Elected by the pupils, our Prefects help maintain the look of the school, making sure it is well-kept  both inside and outside. They are responsible for supporting the House Captains when leading whole school assemblies in the church. They also have an active role in supporting the teacher delivering Collective Worship assemblies and sometimes plan and lead worship sessions.

Charnwood House Captain and Vice Captain

Windsor House Captain and Vice Captain

Year 6 Prefects


Each year every class elects two representatives to be their class and school council representatives.

The House Captains will lead the school council meetings, supported by the Vice Captains. They also take an active role in leading whole school community events such as assemblies at the church, Autumn Fair and showing visitors around the school.

The school council meets regularly with a member of teaching staff to discuss both class and whole school issues and it allows the children’s voice to be heard, topics can range from making decisions on the learning environment to deciding on fundraising events and even being involved in staff and pupil ambassadorial recruitment  processes.

Meet our School Council

Pupil Leaders Across the Whole School

In addition, we encourage children throughout school to take on roles to contribute to the whole school community.  These include:

  • Language and Cultural Ambassadors
  • Lost Property Lieutenant
  • Site Managers
  • Sports Leaders
  • Friendship Finders
  • Digital Leaders
  • School Librarians
  • Garden Leaders

Please take a look at the adverts for the roles in school:


If your child is interested in a role in school, please complete the application form below:

Application Form

Please Note:  Applications for the 2024-25 academic year have now closed.