Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in April 2014. We were very pleased that the overall inspection judgment was that The Pochin School is an outstanding school.
The inspection team commented that:
- Pupils make outstanding progress. From very varied starting points they reach standards in English and mathematics by the end of Year 6 which are well above those found nationally.
- Teaching is very effective in promoting pupils’ achievement. Teachers know their material well. They make sure that work interests both boys and girls and engages them deeply.
- Pupils behave exceptionally well. Pupils from diverse backgrounds mix well with one another making the school a friendly and caring community. Excellent behaviour in lessons allows very effective learning to take place.
- The headteacher and all staff share high ambitions for the pupils and constantly strive for further improvement. The quality of teaching is checked closely.
- Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptionally well promoted. Pupils and parents speak in glowing terms of the interest which teachers show in pupils.
- The school offers a wide range of out-of-school activities, which include competitive sport and visits abroad. Pupils have many opportunities to take on jobs and responsibilities to serve their school.
The full report can be read below:
- Ofsted Report – April 2014 (pdf)
Parent View
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