Parent Information & Signposting

Mental Health Support

Every mind matters – Aims to help people take simple steps to look after their mental health, improve their mental wellbeing and support others.  Every Mind Matters – also offers support and advice for adults too.


Young minds – The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health. Young minds aim to empower Young People by improving Mental Health and changing attitudes.


NSPCC – The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is a British child protection charity.  The website provides advice to help you support children who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm.


Place2be – A website edicated to supporting children’s well-being and mental health.


Mind – An organisation that provide advice and support for anyone experiencing poor mental health

Useful Websites to support  families

Anxiety UK Anxiety helpline 08444 775 774

Anti-bullying Alliance Support and advice about bullying

Beat Youth Line Eating disorder helpline 0808 801 0711

Bereavement UK Bereavement help 0800 634 9494

Black Lives Matter A parents guide  Black lives matter booklet

Cancer Support Cancer support line0808 800 1234

Child Bereavement UK Child bereavement helpline 0800 028 8840

Childline 24 hours helpline for under 18s 0800 11 11

CAMHS Child and Adolescent mental health 01925 579405

Crimestoppers Crime prevention 0800 555 111

Crime Victims Victim support 08453030900

Cruse Bereavement Care Support for bereaved children 0808 808 1766

FREEVA Free from violence & abuse 08088020028

First Response Report abuse or neglect of a child0116 305 0005

Grief Encounter Support for bereaved children0808 802 0111

Kidscape Keeping safe, bullying & how to cope020 7730 3300

Kooth Online support for young people

Living without Abuse LWA | | Domestic abuse and sexual violence charity : LWA

Mental Health Foundation Mental health issues helpline 020 7803 1100

MIND Mental health issues helpline 0300 123 3393

National Missing Persons Parents helpline 0500 700 700

No Panic Help with anxiety disorders 0844 967 4848

NSPCC 24 hour child protection helpline 0800 800 5000

The Proud Trust LGBT and youth support 0161 660 3347

OCD UK Obsessive compulsive disorder help 0845 120 3778

Papyrus Young suicide prevention 0800 088 4141

Relate Relationships help 0300 100 1234

Royal college of psychiatrists Helping children cope with worries and anxieties

Runaway Helpline Parents helpline 0800 800 70 70

Safer Internet Tips, advice and resources to help keep your child safe online 0344 800 2382

Samaritans 24 hour suicide prevention line 08457 90 90 90

Young Minds Emotional help 0800 802 5544

Youtube links

Talking mental health

We all have mental health

Tips for talking for parents and carers